Testimonials – Addison

I have to admit that I haven’t always made the best choices in my life, at the time they did seem to be the right choice but over time it became more and more wrong. I fell in love and made a family, my daughter is still the light of my life, my princess, but unfortunately her father was far from Prince Charming. We had our problems and the way he dealt with them and continues to deal with them is drinking. For a time that was fine with me, if you can’t beat them join them right? It turned out very wrong. So I ended up in the middle of a fight with him wanting to leave and making the horrible choice to drink and drive. I ended up lost and lucky enough the police pulled me over before anything worse happened. So I lost my license, ended up doing drug and alcohol counseling, and court ordered to do 240 hours of community service at a nonprofit organization. That is when I was introduced to Jessica. I started helping her care for her horses, and in the process of the hard work fell in love with them. I get to see the impact that Jessica makes in her students lives, the confidence and self esteem that she helps her students build, the smiles on their faces and the fun that they have. Not only that but it has truly changed my life for the better, sometimes I get to ride and it brings me so much joy. There is nothing more therapeutic than the smell of a horse. I still struggle with hard times in my life, but I am a stronger happier person because of Jessica and her horses. Because of her I have something to look forward to. I will continue to volunteer my time there even after my community service. I am praying that she will still have a place for her and her horses to be. 

– Addison