
Jubilee at the Kill Pen
Jubilee When she First Came to Eden
Jubilee Today

Jubilee is the first horse that was born outside of the United States to come to Eden Healing Center. She originally was from Canada and ended up at the same brokers that Onyx and Anne were at. Jubilee came to Eden Healing as a feral horse and was very skittish around humans. Through patience and time, she has become the best snuggle bug and a truly gentle giant.

Jubilee's Journal

Jubilee at the Kill Pen Brokers

Jubilee was advertised as a large Quarter Horse and Percheron cross who was more Percheron than Quarter Horse. Another rescue paid half her bail, but nobody wanted her due to her size and lack of training. Eden Healing was looking for some more large horses, so they offered to pay the other half of her bail and take her. She needed to be loaded into a loose load trailer. The best way to describe her is a domesticated feral horse. She had to be treated like a mustang since she was so afraid of humans. She came to Eden Healing Center on August 4th 2020

Jubilee When She First Arrived at Eden

When she arrived at Eden, she would slam against the round pen panels if you came too close or raised your arm. From August 4th to September 26th, she pretty much sat in the pen out in the grassy area. This allowed for her to decompress and work on getting settled into her new forever home.

Jubilee Settling into the Barn

On September 26th, Jubilee was moved into a round pen in the barn. This was a huge turning point for her, because she was in the flow of traffic. People were coming into the barn to feed and tack up horses. When others were in the barn, they began to give her treats and she started to learn that humans were not all that bad. Getting her into the barn was quite the adventure though. Since she was able to be led, a free-loading trailer was backed up into her pasture and then slowly the round pen was shrunk so that she had to load onto the trailer. Then the trailer was driven up to the barn and she was unloaded into her new stable area.

Jubilee started to get worked with on a more regular basis. She began to learn that we are here to help her and she has no reason to distrust us. In this video Jubilee is eating food out of Kendyll’s hand (October 2nd 2020).

Jubilee and Alexis (Oct. 21)

Jubilee was progressing so much that she was able to have a lead rope put on and began to be taught to lead. She really liked younger children and seemed to have the most success when working with them.

Halloween was a huge milestone for Jubilee as she was able to be led outside to the enclosure in the barn to a pen that was set up. That day, she was exposed to lots of new people coming over and petting her and just walking around. It took Jessica and Brandon on a lunge line to get her out to the pen that day.

Soon after Halloween, Jubilee was able to be turned out with the main herd in the larger pasture as she could be caught. Jessica had her farrier come out and trim her hooves as well as do a bit of training with her.

Hercules and Jubilee
Jubilee and Lisa

In mid to late November, a good quantity of the horses got moved over to Barb’s arena farm and Jubilee remained over at the Sharon farm location. She quickly became attached at the hip to Hercules and gained a lot of confidence from him. She became more comfortable with adults and became more snugly.

In January, Jubilee was moved over to Barb’s arena farm and since then she has made tremendous progress. She has learned to be led in an indoor arena and has turned into a giant lovebug. She is quite the fluffy gentle giant!

Jubilee & Beth - Beth was there when Jubilee got picked up and was so happy to see the progress that she had made
Jubilee and Nicole leading
March 4th 2021 - Jubilee got ponied on her first trail ride

Jubilee learning how to trot on a lead rope. It is important to work on her ground manners so she cannot “walk all over you” when you are working with her. She has come so far and she is still learning. She loves kids and adults and will come over and beg for treats from you.

March 29th 2021, Jubilee had a saddle put on her for the first time!

It is with deep sadness that we regret to inform you that Jubilee passed away on April 1st from colic. She touched so many lives while she was here. She may be gone, but she will never be forgotten.