
Reba getting TLC from a lesson student
Reba shortly after she arrived at Eden
Reba learning how to be ponied
Reba in Texas when she got pulled from the kill pen
Reba in Texas when she got pulled from the kill pen
Reba the morning she arrived at Eden
Reba a bit into her recovery at Eden
Time to see the dentist

Reba was a horse that must have had some tragic stories in her past. the first indication of this was how malnurished and underweight she was when she was pulled from a killpen outside of Dallas. The second indication of abuse was that she was terrified to get into a trailer. So terrified that it took a very experienced Ranch hand (in Texas) over 90 minutes to get her to peacefully agree to enter the trailer. He felt strongly that she must have been in a trailer wreck at some point in her life. Reba was sassy.

She pinned her ears constantly and was very aggressive to other horses. Since she was starved, food aggression can be a common occurrence as horses must fight for their food when left abandoned. It was the Eve of Christmas Eve when Jessica and some very caring volunteers at the Arabian Rescue Association made arrangements to save Reba and Dolly. Her bail was crowdsourced, a wonderful woman named Heather agreed to Qt her for 45 days and Beth and Denis (two Eden volunteers) brought her up from Texas. So Reba and Dolly arrived at the farm at 4:20am on Wednesday February 10th, and the windchill was -20 degrees. It took us 23 hours to go from her foster home in Bruceville Texas to Eden. We hit freezing rain in Oklahoma and we had be extremely careful pulling a large trailer. Denis drove the entire way, stopping only for food and bathroom breaks. We were extremely concerned about how they were going to adjust to the frigid temps and Jessica and Tina met us at the arena with warm blankets and a heated water trough.

Reba began to make progress at Eden Healing Center. She was slowly putting on weight and even saw Midwest Veterinary Dental (one of the best dentists in Wisconsin) and got her teeth done. She was learning to trust people again and was being ponied on trail rides. She was starting to become a very sweet and loveable horse. On Wednesday, April 20th 2021 Reba passed away and we hope that in the short time that Reba spent with us she was able to once again experience a loving home with many loving people who helped to care for her.